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Flag of Duceta
Overview map
Country: Estontetso
Constituent Republic: none (Federal District)
Lord Mayor:
Geographic position: 9°23'N 21°34'W
Lat +9.38°, Lon -21.56°
Area: 12,000 km²
Population: 12.48 million
Postal code: 10...
Phone prefix: +26(0)10
Car plate:
DUC-1234   (more)

[tech: point your mouse at in-game years to see corresponding real-world years]

Duceta is the capital city of Estontetso. It forms a Federal Territory which is not part of one of the Constituent Republics of Esto. It fulfils all functions of a capital, accommodating the Federal President, most of the government Offices (ministries) and the foreign nations' embassies.

Despite the fact that Duceta has once been the nominal capital of the enormous Liliani Empire, and then, capital of the large Empire of Estontetso, Duceta is not as large as would be expected. This is due to the fact that both empires conducted wars throughout nearly their whole existence, and the emperors have not been in town long enough to ignite a larger scale development.


Duceta is subdivided into about a dozen boroughs or quarters. The main borough is formed by Duceta's old city (4 mill. inh.), in Gorami language called Zweibrücken, and ranks as an urban region, district, and quarter at the same time; its Mayor with the title of Lord Mayor is at the same time President Lord Mayor of Duceta, ranking like a president of a constituent republic.


Duceta developed into a capital region because of its outstanding location within the central territory of Bezana-Buba. Its position at a historic crossroads of main trade routes has made it a privileged meeting point of different cultures.

Historical Places[]

Most visited historical places of Duceta are the Höhenburg and the Stadtschloss.

Commons-3top-hl-Bodendenkmal Schloss Hohenlimburg

The Höhenburg Duceta (hill castle), erected by Emperor Natestus III in the 5th century BP, overlooks Zweibrücken where trading arteries and military roads met and crossed since millienniums and made the place grow to great importance.

The national flag is flown day and night (illuminated) from a pole on the plateau in front of the castle, specially constructed not to damage the old structures and festively inaugurated by Federal President W. S. Hombruch on 22nd February 322 (22.2.22 in Esto's style).

Commons-3stadt-Muenster Schloss

The Stadtschloss Duceta (city palace) was begun by the last Emperor and first King of Estontetso, D. Xoninhas PanKona I and Only, upon the dissolution of the empire and proclamation of the kingdom in 97 AP, right after his re-accession as a king, and finished twenty years later, as a sign of his unbroken power, for the glory of the new Estontetsan nation-state, last achievement of the empire, and as a mirror of the distinction of the capital city.

The Stadtschloss is now seat of the Federal President, the Secretary of State and the Federal Council And Court.

In February 322, the Constabulary took up an old tradition and re-introduced the colourful changing of the guards parade in front of the castle.

Commons-Münster, Prinzipalmarkt -- 2016 -- 2449

Principal Market

erraneously labelled "Paris"

As every city, Duceta takes special pride in its old town, Zweibrücken, the historical centre, with shopping opportunities of highest standard in which it rivals the prime capitals around the vex.

Other sights[]

Development of Duceta's Name[]

accompanied by period artwork


Commons-Stoomsleper met binnenvaartschip op de Waal bij zonsondergang, Bestanddeelnr 254-0935

Duceta is located at the meeting of two rivers. By this waterway, it is connected to the main harbour on the Estontetsan east coast, Imbedungado. An ancient land route connects it to the capitals of the adjacent countries, Fenizabad in Feniz and Prurient City in Draconia. Another ancient land route runs westward, crosses the Central Longrathian Ridge at its lowest point (the Salingen pass) and meets the west coast in Hörde-on-Sea, a connection now serviced by a performant rail link.


Esto's AS-127 in Duceta 2oct228
Commons-U-Bahn Berlin Spittelmarkt 1908
  • Two bridges crossing the two rivers; they existed in ancient times already and gave Zweibrücken its name, which is Gorami and means "Two Bridges"
  • Airport, Airship port (UNVAC code: DUC)
  • Railways
    • Main passenger train station
    • Urban railways
    • Goods yards
  • Underground
  • Goods ports along both rivers


Commons-Hackescher Markt und Rosenthaler Strasse 1900

Commercial city quarter

AP239 AD1939 Commercial Centre commons-5th Avenue and 42nd Street..

The commercial quarter did not change much in 80 years

As befits a capital, Duceta's commercial quarter is home to the most important houses of

  • Finance and
  • Media

Duceta has large industrial areas which even extend into the neighbouring republics Arrebarbadera, Zebornia, Sacristão and Bezana-Buba. The focus lies on light industry and comprises:

  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Consumer goods
  • Entertainment
  • Food and drink


Commons-Adlon Nacht ist 5star hotel Empire of Liliana Duceta

The ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Empire of Liliana, Duceta

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Tourism: Rail Timetables Air Timetables Capital: Duceta Castles Val Da Krosta Good Old Technologies Mil. Ceremonies

History: Legends of Esto. History Timeline Navy History Liliani Empire Counts' Rebellion Esto. Empire Longerathian Wars Plague Iparalaspuqui Esto. Kingdom Civil War Vexwide Pictorial History

Allies: Lok Islands Melga Melga's Flags Melga's Military

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In memory and honour of André, his original website of Estontetso