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Flag of Dellswyshire
Coat of Arms of Dellswyshire
Area 32,644 sq.kms (7)
Population 730,000 (19)
Pop.density 22/ (25)
Shire seat Dellswy
Boroughs 1
Hundreds 9
Mail code DE
Motto Ken the Hills

Dellswyshire is part of the shires of Somery. The shire, geographically identical to lathe Norther Troy, is to the greater part covered and enclosed by the Angel Mountains, and thus fe aturing the most mountainous region in the country, known as the Dellswyshire Dawes. This is the winter sport centre of the country and also the home of the best Somerish skiers. Ternham, Hd. Highdawe has bred both Sanx 301 Vex Games bronze medallist Oshean Willern, and gold medallist Cannard Sedgwaugh, and Perwy Ellish, bronze medallist in Nordic skiing has his origin in the neighbouring town of Ewich-upon-Frothe. All the members of the VexGames female ski jump team are from Hd. Wendawe. The most famous winter resort is the Silver Tree Winter Spa in Highdawe. Also in summer the shire offers plenty of recreation, including walking and mountaineering. The larger part of the population is found in the northern half of the shire, around Dellswy, and to some extent along the rivers Dillys and Wen.

Dellswy Shire Moot 5
Dillys Hithe

Tel. 035 - 790 25 00