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Flag of Crownburyshire
Coat of Arms of Crownburyshire
Area 18,782 sq.kms (13)
Population 1,600,000 (6)
Pop.density 85/ (4)
Shire seat Crownbury
Boroughs 2
Hundreds 12
Mail code CR
Motto Coren art thou emong shires

Crownburyshire is a shire of Somery. The shire occupies the northwestern part of lathe Avillion and the Mowe Valley in Sutherewland. The Mowe Downs mark the old boundary between the lathes. Crownbury was the capital of Somery for a few years after the union in 2 AP, before it was moved to Sibury. Much of the population is concentrated to the Crownbury and Stillham areas, being the outskirts of the Sibury Metropolitan Area.

Crownbury Shire Moot
12, High Str

Tel. 013 - 620 14 00