Flag of the CIMO
The Council of the Isles of the Meridic Ocean, also known by its acronym CIMO, is an international organization of countries in the Meridic Ocean area. The organization was founded on the 21st of July 299 with the signing of its charter in the city of Ciutat, capital of Akitania Berria. The Akitan government later established the city of Meridia as an autonomous territory for the CIMO.
The Council's main role is to strenghten the rule of law throughout its member states. Based on this concept, the CIMO acts as a forum for examining a whole range of social problems, such as social exclusion, intolerance, the integration of immigrants, the threat to privacy posed by new technologies, bioethical issues, terrorism and criminal activities.
The CIMO is also active in the protection of the diverse Meridic cultural heritage. Under that general concern, the Council of the Isles of the Meridic Ocean has laid down a series of common principles governing the protection of national minorities.
CIMO governance is conducted by one decision making body, the Committee of Ministers, plus a deliberative body, the Parliamentary Assembly.
The Committee of Ministers is made up of the Foreign Ministers of the member states. It meets twice a year in ordinary sessions and may hold special or informal meetings. Its Chair changes every four months. The Ministers' Deputies meet at least once a month. They draw up the CIMO's activities programme and adopt its budget. It also decides what follow-up should be given to proposals of the Parliamentary Assembly and the ministerial conferences that the Council of the Isles of the Meridic Ocean regularly organises.
The Parliamentary Assembly is made up of twelve representatives from the parliaments of the member states. The Assembly holds three plenary sessions every year, debating on a wide range of social issues and its recommendations to the Committee of Ministers are at the root of many of the CIMO's achievements. The Parliamentary Assembly has instituted a special guest status, which has enabled it to play host to representatives of the parliaments of non-member states in the Meridic Ocean, paving the way to these countries' eventual accession. The Assembly plays a key role in the accession process for new members.
The Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly are assisted by an International Secretariat of fifty officials from all the member countries. They are headed by a Secretary-General, elected by the Parliamentary Assembly for a five-year term. In order to achieve its goals, the CIMO also seeks the expertise of politicians, statesmen, representatives of youth movements and NGOs