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A constitutional monarchy is a form of monarchical government established under a constitutional system which acknowledges a hereditary or elected monarch as head of state. Modern constitutional monarchies usually implement the concept of trias politica, or "separation of powers", where the monarch either is the head of the executive branch or simply has a ceremonial role. Where a monarch holds absolute power, it is known as an absolute monarchy, and law within an absolute monarchy can often be quite different from law within a constitutional monarchy.

Today, constitutional monarchy is almost always combined with representative democracy, and represents theories of sovereignty which places sovereignty in the hands of the people, and those that see a role for traditions in the theory of government. Though the king or queen may be regarded as the head of state, the Prime Minister, whose power derives directly or indirectly from elections, is head of government.

Although current constitutional monarchies are mostly representative democracies, this has not always historically been the case. There have been monarchies which have coexisted with constitutions which were fascist (or quasi-fascist), as was the case in Meritéan Commonwealth, or those in which the government is run as a military dictatorship, as is the case in Zartania.

Some constitutional monarchies are hereditary; others, can be elective monarchies like Namuria and Feniz.

Differences between constitutional and absolute monarchies[]

During the centuries preceding and after the Plague, several Eras and Longerath countries experimented with new forms of government. Two of these were absolutism and constitutional monarchies.

Absolute Monarchy[]

how is the economy?

Absolutism is a government in which a king or queen rules with total power, in other words as a dictator. The initiation of absolutism was made possible because countries were experiencing turmoil under existing governments. The chaos and mass death from the Plague created a situation that demanded a leader to rule with complete power so as to restore order. Under absolutism the monarchs that ruled a country had total control because they believed they had a “divine right”. They believed that right was given to them by God and bestowed upon them the power to control the country totally. They often defended their abuse of power by saying that it was God's will for them to rule. Also in an absolute monarchy the monarch makes all economic decisions. Which opens the danger to carelessness that can destroy countries. (Insert exampes here.) Although having a monarch in total control over the economy can be dangerous, it also can be advantageous if the monarch is responsible and knowledgeable on the subject of economics. When one monarch has total control, their personal values may overrule core ethics. This can cause a reduction of personal freedoms when the monarch favors one group over another. (Insert exampes here.) Many people supported forms of absolutism, including Chantéon Borise-Hillérion.


Previous monarchies[]

Merité Commonwealth

Insert exampes here.

Headline text[]

[TECH: Source information from Wikipedia's Constitutional Monarchy and heavily edited (dare I say improved upon from the orginal source) to fit Vexillium's needs.

Vex members please feel free to add historical examples (Particularly where you find "add example" in the text) from your own nation's history to help expand and deepen this article. Also in the effort to sound more academic the authors have taken the liberty and created several academics (present time and historical) from different nations, to add diversity and present sources for concepts. Should you feel that these academics, if they happen to be from your nation, are not in keeping to the spirit of your land, or to your wishes, please, feel free to change or delete them.

Also, please correct inaccurate data keeping in mind that certain topics, like the nature of Zartania Monarchy (Is it more of a Fascist nature or just a military/royal dictatorship?) can be confusing and debateable and the authors, with information available, have had to make some calls. ]