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Nestarsee no'Ggoare
Conventional short name:
 Local: Nestarsee no'Ggoare
 Ingallish: Coare Republic
Data codes: cr, COR
Flag of the Coare Republic
 Official: Ingallish, Coare
 Others: Kencari, Tak, ...
 Capital: Coarnigg
 Other: Strycyseen, Ntigocas, Doazybas, Ridani
Government type: republic
President: Sir Julius Whittington (since 316)
Prime-Minister: Patricia Walford-Thennys (since 322)
Population: 23,205,879 Coare, Coarian
Established: Gained independence 316 AP
Currency: Ntymaersy
Organizations: UNV, SUECS

The Coare Republic (Coare: Nestarsee no'Ggoare, /kɪ‘/, /nestɛr'si nɔ'ŋɪ‘/; Coastal Kencari: Destraddokappist Bbocari) is one of the seven successor states of the Republic of Bowdani. Located in the northwest of the former republic, the Coare Republic borders Caboteniasa, Tak, and the Lectern of United Kencari Peoples.


List of Presidents of the Coare Republic

316 - Sir Julius Whittington (acting until 1 February 317; re-elected in 321)

List of Prime Ministers of the Coare Republic

316 - 318 Dame Mildred Kerr (acting until 8 February 317)
318 - 322 Mr Osbert Hindhalleigh (independent)
322 - Ms Patricia Walford-Thennys (CCCP)