Articles and images related to the Reign of Fenia
All items (53)
- File:0120-0130 1820-1830BP commons-Adolphe Giraudon, Vénus de Milo (musée du Louvre) 01.jpg
- File:0320-0330 2020-2030BP commons-Hermes portant Dionysos par Praxitèle.jpg
- File:0429-0495 2129-2195BP commons-Perikles bust, British Museum.jpg
- File:0470 2170BP commons-Vognstyreren-fra Delfi2.jpg
- File:0500 2200BP commons-Kouros Anaphe BM B475.jpg
- File:0500-0600 2200-2300BP commons-Korinth BW 2017-10-10 10-54-58.jpg
- File:0567-0511BP 633-689BP Heinrich II von England als Duke Guinfred commons-Jindrich II Plantagenet.jpg
- File:0628 2328BP commons-Castelvetrano, Province of Trapani, Italy - panoramio (39).jpg
- File:0675-0594BP 1030-1106 commons-Speyer-Dom-02-von Suedosten-gje.jpg
- File:0700-0800 2400-2500BP Karthago als Odesiuky commons-Rues romaines.jpg
- File:0750-0800 2450-2500BP commons-Hirschfeld Workshop Terracotta Krater ca 750-735 bce by alkalisoaps on flickr.png
- File:0800-0600BP 0900-1100 commons-Castle of Chillon N.jpg
- File:2500-3600 4500-5300BP commons-Hagar Quim II.jpg
- File:2500-3600 4500-5300BP commons-Ħaġar Qim Temple 09.jpg
- File:2570 - 2038 - 1575 Fenia.gif
- File:2800 4500BP (1) commons-Mnajdra.jpg
- File:2800 4500BP (2) commons-Malta Temple.jpg
- File:2800 4500BP (3) commons-02005 Mnajdra Temples, copper age, 2800 BC.jpg
- File:2800 4500BP (4) commons-Mnajdra Central Temple.jpg
- File:2800 4500BP (luft) commons-Mnajdra, megalit templom és alaprajza clip.jpg
- File:2800 4500BP (luft) commons-Mnajdra, megalit templom és alaprajza.jpg