Main article: Estontetso
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- photos with names starting "commons-": from with adequate licence (individual link:, attach image name without commons-)
- photos with names starting with numbers: mostly from with kind permission (individual link:, attach image name without File:)
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In memory and honour of André, his original website of Estontetso |
All items (832)
- File:0 Kordelrahmen f Wappen.png
- File:0027BP 1673 commons-Adam Frans van der Meulen - Arrival of Louis XIV at the camp in front of Maastricht (June 1673).jpg
- File:0050BP 1650c rifles! commons-Escarmouche de cavaliers entre Orientaux et Impériaux - Philips Wouwerman - musée du Louvre.jpg
- File:0082BP 1618 commons-Het afdanken der waardgelders door prins Maurits op de Neude te Utrecht.jpg
- File:0170BP 1530nChr Duceta D Landsknecht.png
- File:0182BP 1518 commons-1518 Altdorfer Sieg Karls des Grossen ueber die Awaren anagoria.jpg
- File:0186BP 1514 commons-Albrecht Altdorfer 040.jpg
- File:0195BP 1505 commons-Hand cannon for a knight called a petronel.jpg
- File:0225BP 1475 commons-Stangenbüchsen bei Burgebelagerung 1475.jpg
- File:0285BP 1415 commons-Battle of Agincourt, St. Alban's Chronicle by Thomas Walsingham.jpg
- File:0302BP 1398 cannons! commons-Nicopol final battle 1398.jpg
- File:0336BP 1364 commons-Battle of Auray 2.jpg
- File:0550BP 1150nChr Ducetia C2 Wikinger.jpg
- File:0634BP 1066nChr Ducetia C1 NormanneBayeux.png
- File:06884.jpg
- File:06895.jpg
- File:07355.jpg
- File:1150BP 6JhnChr Dutetia B HunneVoelkerwanderung.jpg
- File:1200-1000BP AD500-700 commons-2018 Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, Grabstein aus Niederdollendorf.jpg
- File:12398.jpg
- File:1400-1375BP 300-325AD commons-Villa romana di Piazza Armerina - Sicilia.jpg
- File:1430-1100 AD270-600 commons-Halebiye (حلبيّة), Syria - General view from the northwest - PHBZ024 2016 2464 - Dumbarton Oaks.jpg
- File:150 history-chls-dascunyamap5.gif
- File:170...156 BP invasion-by-estontetso.png
- File:171BP 1529 commons-Albrecht Altdorfer, The Battle of Alexander at Issus.jpg
- File:1731-1377 31BC-323AD commons-Modell einer römischen Flußliburne.jpg
- File:17354.jpg
- File:1750BP 50vChr Lutetia A2 Alexander.jpg
- File:17719.jpg
- File:1800-1600BP 100BC-100AD commons-Tabliczka odysejska.jpg
- File:1847.jpg
- File:1879 (1858-1932 f21) Paul Schrödter, mein Urgroßvater J6.jpg
- File:1906 (1882-1952 f24) Georg Schrödter, mein Großvater J7.jpg
- File:1949 (1882-1952 f67) Georg Schrödter, meine Großvater J7onAbd.png
- File:1949 (1915-1990 f34) Joachim, mein Onkel A6onSpeech.png
- File:1950 (1910-1987 f40) Herbert Schrödter, mein Vater J8.png
- File:1958 (1915-1990 f43) Joachim, mein Onkel C7onAbd.jpg
- File:1958 (1915-1990 f43) Joachim, mein Onkel, und ich (1954 f4)
- File:1968-12 (b1910 f58) Herbert Schrödter, mein Vater J8onAbd.png
- File:1a Bezirk 324 x 54+54+54+54.png
- File:1a Bezirk 81+81+81+81 x 216.png
- File:1b Bezirk 324 x 54+54+54+54.png
- File:1b Bezirk 81+81+81+81 x 216.png
- File:2000-1800BP 300-100BC commons-Fragment de ceràmica amb decoració figurada, tossal de sant Miquel, Museu de Prehistòria de València.jpg
- File:2000-1900BP 300-200BC commons-Thueros affresco.jpg
- File:2000BP 300vChr Lutetia A1 Achilles.jpg
- File:2017 W in Morbach (clip 242x242).jpg
- File:20698.jpg
- File:208BP 1492 commons-Granada 1492 Detail.jpg
- File:21231.jpg
- File:240.jpg
- File:2400-2392 700-692BC commons-AssyrianWarship.jpg
- File:24145.jpg
- File:24992.jpg
- File:250 history-chls-dascunyamap4.gif
- File:25997.jpg
- File:269BP 1431 commons-Battle of Higueruela.jpg
- File:2979-2913BP 1279–1213 BC commons-Battaglia di carri...tav. 82 (NYPL b14291206-425656).jpg
- File:2a Distrikt 108+108+108 x 216.png
- File:2a Distrikt 324 x 72+72+72.png
- File:2b Distrikt 108+108+108 x 216.png
- File:2b Distrikt 324 x 72+72+72.png
- File:325 Conservatives.png
- File:325 Democrats.PNG
- File:325 Gorami.PNG
- File:325 Greens.png
- File:325 Industrial.PNG
- File:325 monarquista.PNG
- File:325 Naturfreunde.png
- File:3393.jpg
- File:35420.jpg
- File:368 1332AD commons-Ambrogio lorenzetti, storie di san nicola, da s. procolo a firenze, 1332-34...clip.jpg
- File:392 history-chls-dascunyamap3.gif
- File:3a Kommune 162+162 x 216.png
- File:3a Kommune 324 x 108+108.png
- File:3b Kommune 162+162 x 216.png
- File:3b Kommune 324 x 108+108.png
- File:400-350BP 1300-1350AD commons-Lietuviai kovoja su vokiečiais.Lithuanians fighting Teutonic Knights (2).jpg
- File:4108.jpg
- File:41381.jpg
- File:41729.jpg
- File:427 history-chls-longerathmap1.gif
- File:431BP 1269 (ab 513BP 1187, Hanse 1534) commons-Epistola-de-magnete.jpg
- File:448.jpg
- File:451BP 1249 commons-Damiette1249 02.jpg
- File:465BP AD1235 St Georg im Limburger Dom clip.jpg
- File:4746.jpg
- File:48075.jpg
- File:488BP 1212AD commons-Batalla de las Navas de Tolosa, por Francisco van Halen.jpg
- File:4900BP 3200vChr commonsReconstructedOetziAxe.jpg
- File:Air Traffic P.jpg
- File:Ak-Boote-Ruderrettungsboot-Fuerstin-Bismarck-Spendenkarte-Kat-Schiffe.jpg
- File:Andre Serranho.gif
- File:AP083 1783 commons-Early flight 02562u (5).jpg
- File:AP084 1784 commons-Ascensión de un Montgolfier en Aranjuez.jpg
- File:AP088 1788 commons-The Sortie Made by the Garrison of Gibraltar.jpg
- File:AP127 1827 commons-Südbahn-bei-Baden-(1847).jpg
- File:AP186 1886 commons-La première voiture-automobile de Daimler.jpg
- File:AP201-(250)-289 1901-(1950)-1989 commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 183-19000-0751, Berlin, U-Bahnhof Thälmannplatz.jpg
- File:AP201-(264)-289 1901-(1964)-1989 commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 183-C0201-0002-001, Berlin, Alexanderplatz.jpg
- File:AP207 1907 commons-LZ 3.jpg
- File:AP209 1909 commons-Blériot XI taking off.jpeg.jpg
- File:AP210 1910 commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1988-045-19, Berlin, Hochbahnstation Bülowstrasse.jpg
- File:AP239 AD1939 Commercial Centre commons-5th Avenue and 42nd Street... clip.jpg
- File:AP297 (1992) Civil War commons-Canadian Military in Somalia 1992.jpg
- File:AP297 (2013) Civil War commons-ACCU 2.jpg
- File:AP321 2021- commons-Hochseeflotte 1.jpg
- File:AP321- commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 134-A295, Tsingtau, Einweihung des Hafens mit Kanonenboot Iltis .jpg
- File:AP321- commons-S.M. kanonenboot Iltis.jpg
- File:APAVO 144 bristol-brabazon 1.jpg
- Aratacius I
- Castles and palaces in Estontetsan republics' capitals
- File:Coast+Flying G, HQs.jpg
- File:Commons-1-Haus Mallinckrodt.jpg
- File:Commons-13361-Meißen-1911-Blick vom Martinsberg - Elbe mit Schleppzug-Brück & Sohn Kunstverlag.jpg
- File:Commons-1877 Wilhelm der zweite- clip (f18) N6.jpg
- File:Commons-1910 Opel Touring-mitFlagge.jpg
- File:Commons-1919-10-10 JunkersF13 Kabine.jpg
- File:Commons-1936 Hindenburg landing.jpg
- File:Commons-1klein-Hattingen Burg Blankenstein Close up.jpg
- File:Commons-1klein-Schloss Gimborn 2010 SteDi3.jpg
- File:Commons-1klein-Slot homburg.jpg
- File:Commons-1stadt-Haus Villigst IMGP7995 smial wp.jpg
- File:Commons-1wasser-20140412 120558 Burg Lüdinghausen (DSC00174).jpg
- File:Commons-1wasser-Burg Vischering in Lüdinghausen.jpg
- File:Commons-1wasser-Havixbeck, Burg Hülshoff -- 2014 -- 9333 -- Ausschnitt.jpg
- File:Commons-2-Schloss Cappenberg Sammlung Duncker.jpg
- File:Commons-2-Schloss Herdringen 20080510.jpg
- File:Commons-2-Schloss Hückeswagen 2011.jpg
- File:Commons-2007RolexNormandyBank0001.jpg
- File:Commons-2stadt-Engelskirchen - Schloss Ehreshoven 29 ies.jpg
- File:Commons-3-20141101 Schloss Nordkirchen (06956).jpg
- File:Commons-3stadt-Berleburg-023 Schloß 2.jpg
- File:Commons-3stadt-Muenster Schloss.jpg
- File:Commons-3top-2016 Burg Eltz 02.jpg
- File:Commons-3top-Bensberg Rathaus Schloss.jpg
- File:Commons-3top-Burg Altena Panorama.jpg
- File:Commons-3top-Dortmund Hoerde Hoerder Burg 10 .jpg
- File:Commons-3top-hl-Bodendenkmal Schloss Hohenlimburg.jpg
- File:Commons-3top-hl-Lichtkunst Schloss Hohenlimburg WITH FLAG AT NIGHT CLIP.jpg
- File:Commons-3top-hl-Lichtkunst Schloss Hohenlimburg WITH FLAG AT NIGHT.jpg
- File:Commons-3top-hl-Lichtkunst Schloss Hohenlimburg.jpg
- File:Commons-ABBA - Popzien 1973 4.png
- File:Commons-Adlon Nacht ist 5star hotel Empire of Liliana Duceta.jpg
- File:Commons-Anlage 315 und 328 im Abendrot.jpg
- File:Commons-Bataille de Dogger Bank 5 aout 1781.jpg
- File:Commons-Baths of Schandau (i.e., Bad Schandau), Saxony, Germany-LCCN2002720561.jpg
- File:Commons-BEA Lapel badge wird FEA.png
- File:Commons-BHStB 169 (JŽ 73-019)-Dampflokomotive10.jpg
- File:Commons-Blockade of Venice.png
- File:Commons-Boarding an early Qantas aeroplane, 1920-1930 (8653913062).jpg
- File:Commons-Boevinghausen anfang 20jh.jpg
- File:Commons-Bollhörnkai (Kiel 76.981).jpg
- File:Commons-Bromma flygplats invigning 1936 angep.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F080597-0004, Bundesverfassungsgericht, Verhandlung II. Senat clip.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-P014938, Kohlebergbau Laurahütte bei Kattowitz.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 102-00006, Leipziger Messe, Friedrich Ebert.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 102-00646, Probefahrt des Zeppelin-Luftschiffes Z.R. III.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 102-10450, Rheingold-Express, Salon-Wagen I. Klasse.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 102-11590, Nauen, Grossfunkstation.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1985-0530-501, Berlin, Landung von Walter Mittelholzer.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv Bild 183-R15449, Otto von Bismarck -1862 2xcol.jpg
- File:Commons-Bundesarchiv DVM 10 Bild-23-61-77, Dampfer Vaterland .jpg
- File:Commons-COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Auto's voor Hotel Preanger in Bandoeng TMnr 60052435.jpg
- File:Commons-Colour drawing of the SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse...jpg
- File:Commons-Dan mladosti v Mariboru 1961 (16).jpg
- File:Commons-Das 2. Geschwader fhrt nach der Nordsee. The second battleship squadron of the German navy sailing to the North Sea, cir - NARA - 533189.tif.jpg
- File:Commons-DB 01 118 mit Rheingold.jpg
- File:Commons-DGzRS Borkum historisch.jpg
- File:Commons-Dülmen, Stadtjubiläum 700 Jahre, Umzug (Marktstraße) -- 2011 -- 3.jpg
- File:Commons-Early group leaving for Havana on a Pan American F-7 Flight (4011578942).jpg
- File:Commons-Elbe Schifffahrt Zeichen (01) 2006-05-25.jpg
- File:Commons-Emil Volkers Otto von Bismarck zu Pferd 1875.jpg
- File:Commons-ETH-BIB-Junkers F.13 (R-RECI) über Teheran aus 1000 m Höhe-Persienflug 1924-1925-LBS MH02-02-0088-AL-FL.tif.jpg
- File:Commons-FFU trx Stiff 1904.jpg
- File:Commons-Finlaysonin Mannesmann Mulag-auto.jpg
- File:Commons-First and second battleship squadrons and small cruiser of the - NARA - 533188-2 restored.jpg
- File:Commons-Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor Charles Daniels Collection Photo from German Aircraft Album (15270072135) angep.jpg
- File:Commons-Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor at age 25, 1792.png
- File:Commons-Franz Krüger - Parade at the Opernplatz - WGA12290.jpg
- File:Commons-Fred Pansing Kaiserin Auguste Victoria.jpg
- File:Commons-G5BernaDuebendorfer1930i.jpg
- File:Commons-GB C 4-5 und A 3-5.jpg
- File:Commons-Gorch Fock, 1933.jpg
- File:Commons-Hackescher Markt und Rosenthaler Strasse 1900.jpg