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The Cimero-Lysonian Ethanol Advantages Research Project, more commonly known as the CLEAR Project, is a collaboration among the Cimeran Ministries of Agriculture, the Environment, and Transportation, The Royal University of Cimera at Sehria, and the Lysonian Ministry of the Interior. It seeks to assess the possible benefits of incorporating ethanol as an energy source in the Kingdom of Cimera and in the Lyson Empire.

The CLEAR Project is looking into a number of Alternative Motor Fuels with the goal of determining the benefits of introducing Neat Ethanol (E100), Neat Biodiesel (100% biodiesel) and other environmentally-friendly fuels to be used in the Kingdom of Cimera and also with the goal of determining the possibility of introducing ethanol (E85, E95, etc.) biodiesel, and other AMF blends for their environmental benefits, and to decrease Lysonian dependence on fossil fuels and foreign petroleum and oil imports.

As of 309ap, the Empire of Lysonia with the Kingdom of Cimera has announced the ending of the project and that though Cimera plans to implement some of the research, the Empire of Lysonia would not be using any of it.

The technology has been offered freely available to any nation wishing to continue or use the project.