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Conventional short name:
 Local: Bowdani
 Ingallish: Black Bowdani
Data codes: bd, BDI
Flag of Bowdani
 Official: Ingallish
 Others: Coare, Coastal Kencari, Tak, North Pocari
 Capital: Fort Urban
 Other: Zastrey, Cehi Bäde, Bboca Ozust
Government type: republic
President: Colonel Scott Winsleigh Wok (since 321)
Prime Minister: Raphael De Longis (since 322)
Population: 14,155,277 Bowdani, Black Bowdani
Established: Gained independence 318 AP
Currency: New Shester
Organizations: UNV

Black Bowdani, officially just called Bowdani, is a nation in the west of Smalik, formed on 18 December 318 by the troops of Colonel Marcus Baycon who wanted to secure that part of the LUKP from the civil war that was going on elsewhere in the LUKP. In doing so, he established a nation dominated by Ingallish, in which indigenous minorities are considered second rate citizens. The nickname 'Black Bowdani' is derived from the colour of Col. Baycon's troops' uniforms and serves to distinguish the nation from White Bowdani, which is also officially just called Bowdani. Col. Baycon's rule was ended in December 321, with his successor Col. Winsleigh Woke paving the way to a more benevolent regime. Democratic elections were held for the first time on 23 April 322.

Geography and climate[]

Black Bowdani borders the Coare Republic in the north and northwest, Tak in the northeast, and Kencari in the southeast. To the southwest the Cislendian Ocean is located. The borders with Coare and Tak are mountaineous and the country's landscape in general is rough and hilly. The highest mountain is the Torren (5,376 m ; 17 637.8 ft) in the northern Strywak Mountains on the border with Tak.

Black Bowdani has a temperate oceanic climate with mean temperatures between 0°C / 32°F in winter and 25°C / 77°F in summer.


Until 316, Black Bowdani was part of Bowdani and from 316 to 318 part of the Lectern of United Kencari Peoples. Since its independence on 18 December 318, Col. Baycon has established a military regime. Developments in early 320 suggested however that he didn't have control over the entire nation. The situation evolved into a quiet civil war that was ended in December 321 with Col. Scott Winsleigh Woke taking control of the nation with help of STOIC operatives.


Black Bowdani had an estimated population of 14,155,277 on 1 January 322. Ingallish is the official language of Black Bowdani but only 39% of the nation's population actually speaks this language as their native tongue. With 44%, Coastal Kencari is the largest minority language, followed by Coare with 12%, and North Pocari and Tak with 2% each.

The country's dominant religion is the Orthodox Church of Bowdani, although there are manifestations of Tak's nature religion as well.

Major cities include Zastrey (Ddastreha), the capital Fort Urban (Urbana Owc/Aerdygat), Rockenfield (Cehi Bäde), and Sheep's Cove (Bboca Ozust).


Colonel Marcus Baycon was the nation's leader from its independence until 29 December 321. He has appointed a cabinet of military and civilians (including minister of foreign affairs Dr. Adalbert Cosgrove) but there was no legislative body and an unstructured judiciary. Opposition movements were suppressed and some of their leaders have been arrested and imprisoned. In December 321, a coup d'état lead by Colonel Scott Winsleigh Woke ended Baycon's rule. The country was renamed Republic of Bowdani in 322 and democratic elections brought a new government in power.

Heads of State of Black Bowdani

318 - 321 Col. Marcus Baycon
321 - President Col. Scott Winsleigh Woke (provisional until 10 June 322)

Heads of government of Black Bowdani

318 - 321 Col. Marcus Baycon
321 - 322 Col. Scott Winsleigh Woke (provisional president)
322 - Prime Minister Raphael De Longis (PP)


The government has introduced the New Shester as the nation's currency but no coins and banknotes have been produced yet. Although there is an offical conversion system with other currencies (most notably the Tak Sab), the situation is highly susceptible to fraud.