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Starting on the 4th of April, 309, four cities submitted bids to host the 309 Summer Vexgames. They were the following, in the order their bids were received by the International Vexilliadic Committee:

In addition, Utan Krysaror, Utania, was seen as a pre-candidate city, but failed to submit a bid due to political issues.

For the pages for each bid, check:

After a technical evaluation of the four bids, the two top-scoring cities, Bala and Belo Quinto, were submmited to a vote by all National Vexgames Comitees starting on May 31, 309. On June 22, the IVC announced Belo Quinto as the host city for the 309 Vexgames, by 70% of the votes against 30% for Bala.

Logo Belo Quinto 309 Summer Vexgames
Bidding Proccess: Belo QuintoBala
Days: Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12
Events: AthleticsBadmintonBaseballBasketballBoxingCamel racingFencingField hockeyFootballHandballHorse racingJudoRugbyShootingSwimmingTennisVolleyballWater poloWrestling