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APWH HQ inRL EmiratesTowersHotelDubai

APWH Headquarters in Levits'ky, Feniz

The APWH has a long tradition. It existed even before Nova Vexillium was discovered (to be checked in group messages). At that time, it was a community of nations on Longerath, Smalik and the Western Isles.

At the threshold to the third century, the activities of the APWH had come to a standstill. A discussion of what the "western hemisphere" could mean today, lead to a revival of the assembly. Honouring the traditional member nations and their geographic area, it was organized in two panels, one for Old and one for New Vexillium. There are still only a few members and some observers and interested nations present. The secretaries of the panels and of the APWH are still provisionally established and not elected.

The new headquarters has been set up in Levits'ky, capital of Sukha, the southern part of former Hochlandia, now south Feniz. Business is run in an open, relaxed, even jovial atmosphere.

A major activity has been the endeavour to formulate a new Glaciaria Convention. It showed that the APWH is a good discussion panel but clumsy when it comes to decisions. Everybody hopes that this will improve in future.

A temporary challenge was the plan of Feniz and Estontetso to receive a mandate for a peace-keeping operation in Dascunya, rejected by a drawn vote with only 33% participation.

New members are always welcome.

Official website of the APWH

Tech note: Secrets about "My" APWH