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The 28th of October, 309, was Day 6 of the 309 Summer Vexgames. On this day, we had the high jump, flyweight boxing and 400m freestyle swimming medal events, as well as new matches for the women's basketball and men's football and handball tournments.

Athletics - High Jump (male)[]

As usual, at 8 am on the Albalonga Stadium, the 34 male athletes from 22 nations pareded accross the arena as they prepared for the high jump event. Notably, the audience and most sports experts mentioned the lack of athletes from track and field power Niokolo Koba for either the men's or the women's event.

Without this major opponent, St. Samuel - which is revealing itself a major track and field nation - is expected to grab both gold and silver, thanks to their Blanco Salih and Tito Cruz. But they may face some pressure from Deucoland - notably with Pedro Burger.

As on the long jump and triple jump events, the athletes first took part on a qualifying round, each man having three trial jumps. Then, the top eight were qualified to a final round of three more jumps.

POS Nation   Name                   Mark (metres)
01.  STS     Blanco Salih           2.31 Q
02.  DEU     Pedro Burger           2.31 Q
03.  DEU     Tomas Delinguez        2.30 Q
04.  BOB     Nikolai Severin        2.29 Q
05.  STS     Tito Cruz              2.29 Q
06.  DEU     Domingo Brecht         2.29 Q
07.  UTA     Jordan Hoff            2.28 Q
08.  AET     Aelphius Fortescue     2.28 Q
09.  KAN     Stefao Kogikov         2.27
10.  CXG     Jun Hoy                2.27
11.  ROV     Yevgeny Chubais        2.25
12.  KAL     Toman Kechvazal        2.25
13.  SCW     Omaroð Stræwaedar      2.25
14.  UTA     Johnston Motu          2.24
15.  LOM     Vastl Marcos           2.23
16.  LEN     Aurelio Santos         2.21
17.  KYS     Tian Dekashvili        2.20
18.  DJR     Omar Osim              2.20
19.  IWK     Phillison Sonnenschein 2.19
20.  WOO     Mungo Tunganana        2.18
21.  WES     Dieter Mangaer         2.17
22.  PCL     Saul Nefzaoui          2.17
23.  MIM     U'alu Enangi           2.16
24.  OOO     Rudi Yeckel            2.15
25.  UTA     Timothy Kopana         2.14
26.  ROV     Jon Polonovsk          2.14
27.  SCK     Harald Joch            2.13
28.  XML     Olochopan Zalatec      2.12
29.  UTA     Emile Holmes           2.11
30.  WOO     Pen Surramini          2.10
31.  STS     Donato Codazzi         2.10
32.  POL     Otto Plüsch            2.10
33.  STS     Festus Agüero          2.08
34.  STS     Sisto Miles            2.07

As expected, St. Samuel and Deucoland did get most of the spots for the final round, while athletes from Baben Bay, Utania and Aethelnia grabbed the remaining ones.

POS Nation   Name                   Mark (metres)
01.  STS     Tito Cruz              2.36 Q ***** GOLD
02.  DEU     Tomas Delinguez        2.34 Q ***** SILVER
03.  DEU     Pedro Burger           2.33 Q ***** BRONZE
04.  STS     Blanco Salih           2.32 Q
05.  UTA     Jordan Hoff            2.29 Q
06.  BOB     Nikolai Severin        2.28 Q
07.  AET     Aelphius Fortescue     2.28 Q
08.  DEU     Domingo Brecht         2.26 Q

Final result was much as expected. Tito Cruz got the gold for St. Samuel with a 2.36m mark. Tomas Delinguez and Pedro Burger, from Deucoland, got silver and bronze.

Athletics - High Jump (female)[]

As the clock struck midday, the 34 female athletes entered the stadium for their event. As with the men's event, we first had a qualifying round, with the top eight making it to the final round.

As on the men's event, the favourites are once again from St. Samuel and Deucoland. Samuelonian Cammie St. Claire, who already grabbed silver medals on the long jump and 110m hurdles, is expected for the gold this time. However, Deuco Wilhelma Indurain won't make it too easy. Kathleen Chervakov, from Utania, is also a favourite.

POS Nation   Name                   Mark (metres)
01. UTA      Kathleen Chervakov     1.95 Q
02. STS      Cammie St. Clair       1.95 Q
03. CXG      Minna Yunewa           1.94 Q
04. DEU      Wilhelma Indurain      1.93 Q 
05. DEU      Tina Jörgens           1.92 Q
06. BOB      Vavara Trunkey         1.92 Q
07. PCL      Roderica Reys          1.92 Q
08. AET      Appolline Delacouir    1.91 Q
09. ROV      Anita vander Meersh    1.90
10. SCK      Tina Grubherr          1.90
11. SCW      Kléki Frénatam         1.89
12. BOB      Irina Huck             1.89
13. UTA      Ajana Motu             1.89
14. OOO      Gilda Kannenbergh      1.88
15. UTA      Linda Rayner           1.88
16. SCW      Trivoi Jakaviataun     1.88
17. DEU      Helena Rauff           1.88
18. WOO      Panga Omangakau        1.85
19. KAL      Nia Hurviack           1.85
20. ROV      Yelena Nemtsov         1.85
21. KAN      Goinia Maya            1.84
22. STS      Gaetana Gutierrez      1.84
23. LEN      Hernanda Calivana      1.83
24. LOM      Johanna Schicklgruber  1.83
25. WOO      Riki Suanawi           1.82
26. STS      Brittany Saen          1.82
27. STS      Nunzia Crivelli        1.81
28. KYS      Hannelotte Baushvili   1.80
29. WGL      Trudie Salzkammer      1.80
30. IWK      Elke Silkis            1.80
31. STS      Priscilla Saleem       1.79
32. KON      Dina K'Resengang       1.79
33. SAN      Yuki Lexmark           1.78
34. UTA      Anita Roberts          1.78

As expected, Kathleen Chervakov, Cammie St. Clair and Wilhelma Indurain all qualified to the finals. Unexpectedly, Appolline Delacouir, from Aethelnia, and Roderica Reys, from hosts Porto Capital, also made through.

POS Nation   Name                   Mark (metres)
01. DEU      Wilhelma Indurain      2.05 ***** GOLD
02. STS      Cammie St. Clair       2.04 ***** SILVER
03. UTA      Kathleen Chervakov     2.03 ***** BRONZE
04. CXG      Minna Yunewa           2.01 
05. AET      Appolline Delacouir    1.99 
06. BOB      Vavara Trunkey         1.98 
07. DEU      Tina Jörgens           1.97 
08. PCL      Roderica Reys          1.95 

Wilhelma Indurain grabbed the gold - third medal of the day for Deucoland. Once again, Cammie St. Clair grabbed a silver, with Utania's Kathleen Chervakov holding the bronze.

Boxing - flyweight[]

The flyweight boxing event started at 14:00, with 16 fighters from 13 countries. They were then arranged on a simple playoff tournment. The two boxers from St. Samuel (Nemesio Santiago and Romulus Mosquera) are expected for the gold, as is Niokolo Koba's Jaques Falguna.

Bout 1-1
PCL Vlado Bianchi 
STS Nemesio Santiago   Q (KO, 2nd Round)

Bout 1-2
DEU Enrique Müller     Q (KO, 1st Round)
AET Cyprian Yaxley 

Bout 1-3
BOB Yaromir Delvan 5
CXG Calvin Junkoh 5    Q (decision)

Bout 1-4
DEU Gernot Saveriano   Q (decision)
SCW Sereneb Gobrotlim, 

Bout 1-5
KAN Vlado Bianchi 
NKO Hubert Diallo      Q (KO, 3rd Round)

Bout 1-6
LOM Piero Dalvez       Q (decision)
NKO Jaques Falguna 

Bout 1-7
STS Romulus Mosquera   Q (KO, 2nd Round)
KYS Dimitri Lodze 

Bout 1-8
UTA James Angorit 
DJR Djari Dharoud      Q (KO, 1st Round)

Surprisingly, Niokolo Koba's Jaques Falguna was defeated by Piero Dalvez by referee's decision. Lombriga, then, after a bronze and a gold in previous days, seems to be establishing itself as a boxing power for these games.

Bout 2-1
STS Nemesio Santiago   Q (KO, 2nd Round)
DEU Enrique Müller 

Bout 2-2
CXG Calvin Junkoh 
DEU Gernot Saveriano   Q (decision)

Bout 2-3
NKO Hubert Diallo 
LOM Piero Dalvez       Q (KO, 4th Round)

Bout 2-4
STS Romulus Mosquera   Q (KO, 2nd Round)
DJR Djari Dharoud 
Bout 3-1
STS Nemesio Santiago   Q (KO, 3rd Round)
DEU Gernot Saveriano 

Bout 3-2
LOM Piero Dalvez 
STS Romulus Mosquera   Q (decision)

LOM Piero Dalvez       W (KO, 3rd Round) ***** BRONZE
DEU Gernot Saveriano 

STS Nemesio Santiago                     ***** SILVER
STS Romulus Mosquera   W (KO, 4th Round) ***** GOLD

On an all-Samuelonian final bout, Romulus Mosquera knocked-out his countryman Nemesio Santiago on the fourth round. On the third-place playoff match, Lombriga's Piero Dalvez grabbed the bronze medal after beating Deucoland's Gernot Saveriano.

Swimming, 400m Freestyle (male)[]

The swimming event took place on Gymnasium 3 of the Albalonga Complex, starting at 9am. The 39 swimmers were first divided in six heats, with the top two on each, plus the four best third-placed overall, being qualified to the next round.

As usual, Westrian and Chungxipang swimmers are expected to share the top places, with the Rovenians and Samuelonians being close contenders as well.

HEAT 01 
1. KAN Durk Hestiv          - 3:43.10 Q
2. WES Carlos Nass          - 3:44.54 Q
3. CXG Inno Tsui            - 3:47.15
4. DEU Karsten De La Rosa   - 3:47.75
5. KYS Yevgeni Ivanadze     - 3:47.85
6. STS Neto Ibraheem        - 3:48.63
7. LEN Alandro Ilanoviro    - 3:50.55

HEAT 02 
1. CXG G. C. Choy           - 3:43.32 Q
2. ROV William Alekperov    - 3:44.82 Q
3. SAN Lasse Birken         - 3:44.89 Q
4. UTA Leonard Atustha      - 3:45.38
5. WOO P. Tiraminiwanotopi  - 3:46.57
6. DJR Omar Bataar          - 3:48.63
7. RAS Mike Full            - 3:49.63

HEAT 03  
1. ROV Ruslan Karoft        - 3:43.35 Q
2. SCK Steve Singer         - 3:43.36 Q
3. LOM Hansie Oranje        - 3:44.23 Q
4. DEU Max Sala             - 3:44.65
5. IWK Max Maggerstein      - 3:46.51
6. XML Tichapan Cicho       - 3:47.20
7. KYS Misha Koslosk        - 3:50.17
HEAT 04 
1. STS Duke Estrada         - 3:43.01 Q
2. PCL Rashid al'Aóun       - 3:43.12 Q
3. SCK Mario Pfisch         - 3:44.94 Q
4. WES Guido Deselliar      - 3:45.88
5. DEU Joe Perez            - 3:47.16
6. IWK Jakob Fpathz         - 3:47.95

HEAT 05 
1. CXG Zack Fujita          - 3:43.05 Q
2. SCK Mario Itz            - 3:44.03 Q
3. AET Vladimir Buller      - 3:45.93
4. LEN Inigo Rinsanio       - 3:45.97
5. UTA Joh'nn Dunne         - 3:49.24
6. STS Scipio Vieri         - 3:50.29
7. MIM Talu'u Nangu         - 3:50.47

HEAT 06 
1. CXG Rocko Tanaka         - 3:44.99 Q
2. WES Niko Pethz           - 3:45.54 Q
3. AET Raphael Hulot        - 3:45.64 Q
4. KAL Kris Delin           - 3:46.24
5. UTA Jared Eaton          - 3:49.35

The first round was, as predicted, dominated by Westrians and Chungxipangis, with nice performances by Rovenian, Samuelonian and Solanchatkan swimmers.

The swimmers were, then rearranged for the semifinals, with the top four on each heat qualifying to the finals.

1. STS Duke Estrada         - 3:43.02 Q
2. CXG G. C. Choy           - 3:43.08 Q
3. SCK Steve Singer         - 3:43.36 Q
4. WES Niko Pethz           - 3:44.13 Q
5. KAN Durk Hestiv          - 3:44.23
6. AET Raphael Hulot        - 3:44.66
7. SAN Lasse Birken         - 3:45.15
8. ROV Ruslan Karoft        - 3:45.25

HEAT 02 
1. CXG Zack Fujita          - 3:43.12 Q
2. WES Carlos Nass          - 3:43.22 Q
3. SCK Mario Pfisch         - 3:43.47 Q
4. CXG Rocko Tanaka         - 3:44.25 Q
5. SCK Mario Itz            - 3:44.72
6. LOM Hansie Oranje        - 3:44.79
7. ROV William Alekperov    - 3:45.35 
8. PCL Rashid al'Aóun       - 3:45.37
1. CXG G. C. Choy           - 3:42.26 ***** GOLD
2. WES Niko Pethz           - 3:42.44 ***** SILVER
3. CXG Zack Fujita          - 3:42.78 ***** BRONZE
4. STS Duke Estrada         - 3:43.11
5. SCK Steve Singer         - 3:43.45
6. SCK Mario Pfisch         - 3:44.05
7. WES Carlos Nass          - 3:44.84
8. CXG Rocko Tanaka         - 3:44.97

Once again, Chungxipang and Westria shared the medals. GC Choy got the gold for Chungxipang. Niko Pethz, from Westria, grabbed the silver, while Zack Fujita won the bronze.

Swimming, 400m Freestyle (female)[]

For the female event, similar rules as the men's: the forty swimmers are first divided in 5 qualifying heats, with the top three on each, plus the best fourth-placed overall, being qualified to the semifinals.

As on other swimming events, Westria and Chungxipang are favourites for the medals, but also some surprises from St. Samuel and Kasvria & Savarai may be expected.

1. CXG Erica Tsui                 - 4:02.19 Q
2. WES Ilse Lichter               - 4:05.91 Q
3. KAL Ute Tikal                  - 4:07.45 Q
4. KAN Cortina Luvic              - 4:08.38 Q
5. STS June Roybal                - 4:14.82
6. AET Coralie-Florine Mabinogion - 4:15.15
7. IWK Fawn Krabbel               - 4:15.34
8. PCL Marina Martinha            - 4:16.11

1. WES Caroline Bruck-an-der-Muur - 4:02.24 Q
2. CXG Se-Ri Wa                   - 4:05.50 Q
3. KYS Helena Natakovili          - 4:08.47 Q
4. PCL Joaninha Costa             - 4:09.59
5. WOO Kela Jangawollong          - 4:14.25
6. LEN Constantina Iriga          - 4:15.50
7. IWK Ricarda Welfenbrink        - 4:16.14
8. STS Tita Castelnuovo           - 4:16.24

1. STS Brisa Rocca                - 4:03.71 Q
2. WES Christine Gweiner          - 4:04.93 Q
3. KYS Ksana Skodavian            - 4:09.57 Q
4. DEU Hortense Rau               - 4:09.58
5. CXG Rikki Moikami              - 4:12.35
6. WOO Uma Kangalura              - 4:15.78
7. UTA Deborah Doble              - 4:16.09
8. LEN Larenza Listorea           - 4:18.34

1. ROV Femke Poelstra             - 4:03.80 Q
2. DEU Trude Pinero               - 4:04.55 Q
3. SCK Stefana Panitz             - 4:09.59 Q
4. RAS Liselotte Riesling         - 4:10.54
5. DJR Irana Shikadya             - 4:11.99
6. UTA Emily Lewis                - 4:12.21
7. WES Daniela Leicht             - 4:17.67
8. BOB Oxana Schrimpwasser        - 4:17.96

1. CXG Millie Oioioi              - 4:04.16 Q
2. UTA Dannielle Aeyala           - 4:04.25 Q
3. AET Clodagh Unwin              - 4:09.72 Q
4. SAN Chantal Nixdorf            - 4:11.40 
5. DEU Anna Valdez                - 4:11.49
6. ROV Katrina Ankudinov          - 4:16.21
7. SCK Anabella Weiss             - 4:16.22
1. WES Caroline Bruck-an-der-Muur - 4:02.01 Q
2. CXG Erica Tsui                 - 4:02.10 Q
3. WES Christine Gweiner          - 4:02.14 Q
4. KYS Helena Natakovili          - 4:03.81 Q
5. KAL Ute Tikal                  - 4:04.10
6. CXG Millie Oioioi              - 4:04.19
7. UTA Dannielle Aeyala           - 4:04.25
8. ROV Femke Poelstra             - 4:04.52

1. CXG Se-Ri Wa                   - 4:02.14 Q
2. STS Brisa Rocca                - 4:02.54 Q
3. KYS Ksana Skodavian            - 4:03.70 Q
4. WES Ilse Lichter               - 4:03.75 Q
5. SCK Stefana Panitz             - 4:04.50
6. KAN Cortina Luvic              - 4:04.51
7. DEU Trude Pinero               - 4:05.12
8. AET Clodagh Unwin              - 4:05.15
1. CXG Se-Ri Wa                   - 4:03.22 ***** GOLD
2. KYS Ksana Skodavian            - 4:03.29 ***** SILVER
3. STS Brisa Rocca                - 4:03.52 ***** BRONZE
4. WES Caroline Bruck-an-der-Muur - 4:03.60
5. CXG Erica Tsui                 - 4:04.56
6. WES Christine Gweiner          - 4:04.66
7. WES Ilse Lichter               - 4:05.05
8. KYS Helena Natakovili          - 4:05.88

Surprisingly, while Chungxipang's Se-Ri Wa managed to grab the gold, St. Samuel and Kasvria & Savarai managed to keep Westria out of the podium this time.

Basketball (female, qualifying round)[]

Main article: Basketball at the 309 Summer Vexgames
Today, two matches for the qualifying round of the women's basketball tournment took place. The winners of this small playoff phase will be qualified for the main group stage.

MIM 42 vs. 76 WGL
POL 57 vs. 65 DJR

Football (male, 4th day)[]

Main article: Football at the 309 Summer Vexgames
There were seven matches for the men's football tournment.

Group A: KAN 1 vs. 0 NKO
Group B: KON 1 vs. 1 OOO
Group C: PCL 3 vs. 0 KYS
Group D: LEN 1 vs. 0 POL
Group E: LOM 0 vs. 0 RAS
Group F: IWK 2 vs. 0 WOO
Group G: KAL 0 vs. 0 XML

Handball (male, 1st day)[]

Main article: Handball at the 309 Summer Vexgames
The first group stage matches of the men's handball tournment also took place today. The results were the following:

Group A: KYS 33 vs. 24 BOB
Group A: CXG 28 vs. 27 SAN
Group B: WES 30 vs. 28 DEU
Group B: KAL 31 vs. 19 OOO
Group C: SCK 29 vs. 28 KAN
Group C: PCL 29 vs. 14 LEN

Medal Standings[]

     Nation                 GOLD  SILVER  BRONZE
 1.  St. Samuel        STS   6       6       2
 2.  Chungxipang       CGX   6       5       6
 3.  Niokolo Koba      NKO   3       3       1
 4.  Solanchatka       SCK   2       1
 5.  Westria           WES   1       2       4
 6.  Deucoland         DEU   1       1       2
 7.  Rovens            ROV   1       1
 8.  Porto Capital     PCL   1               1
 9.  Lombriga          LOM   1               2
10.  Utania            UTA   1               1
11.  Shaelia           SCW           2       1
12.  Kansinia          KAN           1
13.  Kasvria & Savarai KYS           1
14.  Kalesthesia       KAL                   1
15.  Aethelnia         AET                   1
16.  Sanx              SAN                   1
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Events: AthleticsBadmintonBaseballBasketballBoxingCamel racingFencingField hockeyFootballHandballHorse racingJudoRugbyShootingSwimmingTennisVolleyballWater poloWrestling