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Belo Quinto 309 bid logo

The 2nd of November, 309, was Day 12 of the 309 Summer Vexgames. This day had medal disputes on hammer throw, equestrian show jumping, 5km freestyle swimming and superheavyweight wrestling, plus more rounds on the women's basketball, field hockey and volleyball, and men's football and water polo tournments.

Athletics - Hammer Throw (male)[]

The first event of the day was the men's hammer throw. The 33 athletes were first arranged on a qualifying round, with the top eight advancing to a final stage.

Pos. Nation  Name                         Mark (metres)
01.   WES    Igor Wastl                   80.07 Q
02.   ROV    Guwimir Zarubezhanin         79.55 Q
03.   STS    Porter Gasparini             79.44 Q
04.   BOB    Marcel Ochsenschwanthz       79.26 Q
05.   KYS    Martyn Severikis             79.26 Q
06.   WOO    Tomi Kipulura                77.60 Q 
07.   IWK    Mojo Fett                    77.12 Q
08.   MIM    Ka'a Mu'atu                  77.07 Q
09.   STS    Othello Canto                76.95
10.   CXG    Joey Ringo                   76.61
11.   KON    Gilvai G'Ramak               76.32
12.   DJR    Jamil Al-Dhaak               75.34
13.   SCW    Yisa Prúsae                  75.01
14.   DEU    Miguel Angel Watzenberger    74.49
15.   KAN    Paulis Fabino                74.47 
16.   WES    Luis Ven De Scholigh         74.45
17.   SCK    Rufus Mannesmann             74.41
18.   ROV    Bede De Brouwer              74.30
19.   KON    Meve G'Nui                   73.72
20.   KAN    Martin Hellios               73.62
21.   PCL    Leonardo Luzíada             72.33
22.   WOO    Engua Nauhau                 72.05
23.   AET    Abraxus Snickelpitch         71.96
24.   STS    Osten Shahriar               71.89
25.   LEN    Eltiro Esiano                71.63
26.   RAS    Angus Clarken                71.33
27.   STS    Ciro Abdellah                71.21
28.   UTA    Edward Kopeya                70.98
29.   ROV    Sergei Gorsch                70.56
30.   OOO    Dick Schmalthz               70.16
31.   UTA    Ian West                     70.12
32.   STS    Ponce Bondi                  69.88
33.   UTA    Hubert Ramali                69.50
Pos. Nation  Name                         Mark (metres)
01.   ROV    Guwimir Zarubezhanin         82.02 ***** GOLD
02.   STS    Porter Gasparini             80.96 ***** SILVER
03.   WES    Igor Wastl                   80.71 ***** BRONZE
04.   KYS    Martyn Severikis             79.59 
05.   WOO    Tomi Kipulura                79.22  
06.   IWK    Mojo Fett                    78.65 
07.   BOB    Marcel Ochsenschwanthz       77.10 
08.   MIM    Ka'a Mu'atu                  77.09 

Guwimir Zarubezhanin got Rovens the gold with a remarkable 82,02m mark. Porter Gasparini, from St. Samuel, came in second, while Westria's Igor Wastl got the bronze.

Athletics - Hammer Throw (female)[]

Just following that, we had the women's hammer throw event, disputed on the same way as the men's event.

Pos. Nation  Name                         Mark (metres)
01.   STS Austine Yousef                  73.92 Q
02.   DJR Zara Zafidia                    73.36 Q
03.   SCW Kléxi Híborr		  72.87 Q
04.   KON Ebony K'Ratata		  72.81 Q
05.   STS Septima Klati		  71.82 Q
06.   WOO Ulana Aida 		  71.76 Q
07.   BOB Lena Zelenskaia 		  71.51 Q 
08.   STS Chryseis Silviatti 		  71.30 Q
09.   KYS Magda Teshvilian                70.69
10.   STS Giacinta Durand                 69.79
11.   PCL Emanuella al'Baranga            69.77
12.   CXG Lara Loy                        69.36
13.   DEU Hilde Sanpedro                  69.22
14.   IWK Lara Tonnenschwer               68.93
15.   OOO Marlo Rumminger                 68.74
16.   KON Mine K'Nulanga                  68.38
17.   KAN Mainica Boshiv                  68.22 
18.   STS Viridis Aguilera                68.21
19.   UTA Katrina White                   68.11
20.   SAN Alberta Pfussenbach             68.04
21.   SCK Laura Krooss                    67.86
22.   ROV Amarea De Brouwer  		  67.83
23.   MIM Ara'i Li'usa'a 		  67.66
24.   AET Astoria Peasegood 		  67.54
25.   KON Mine K'Nulanga 		  67.47
26.   AET Nemesis Pennifold 		  67.17 
27.   PCL Carolina Barbosa		  66.92
28.   UTA Claire Temana                   66.72
29.   WOO Yelek Engamatopi 		  66.35
30.   RAS Trenta Dwainer 		  66.29
31.   KAN Margrete Deliwiv                66.16 
32.   LEN Antrea Sentira 		  65.64
33.   PCL Marina Pinheiro 		  65.44
34.   AET Minerva d'Estranges		  65.41
35.   ROV Femke De Vries 		  64.74
36.   UTA Anita Roberts 		  64.66
37.   UTA Kathleen Chervakov 		  64.13
Pos. Nation  Name                         Mark (metres)
01.   DJR Zara Zafidia                    76.34 ***** GOLD
02.   STS Austine Yousef                  75.92 ***** SILVER
03.   SCW Kléxi Híborr		  75.20 ***** BRONZE
04.   BOB Lena Zelenskaia 		  74.32 
05.   KON Ebony K'Ratata		  73.65
06.   STS Chryseis Silviatti 		  72.54
07.   STS Septima Klati		  71.56
08.   WOO Ulana Aida 		  71.33 

Zara Zafidia from Djeriga got her country their second gold medal so far, thanks to a 76,34m mark. Austine Yousef, from St. Samuel, won the silver, while Shaelia's Kléxi Híborr got the bronze.

Horse Racing - Show Jumping[]

At 8:00 in the morning, jockeys and horses gathered at the Belo Quinto Jockey Club for the first day of equestrian events. While several jockeys did prepare themselves for all the five events, some instead opted in specializing and concentrating their training efforts in just one or two. And these are the favourites for medals here.

This morning saw the show jumping event, which included show jumping itself, plus a dressage test. Point were then added or decreased accordingly.

The final results were as follows:

Pos. Nation  Name                 Points
01.  KYS     Durmilla Lambridze    171 ***** GOLD
02.  WES     Paul Simonig          169 ***** SILVER
03.  BOB     Boris Mistelbäck      126 ***** BRONZE
04.  KAL     Soren Ichzaq          115
05.  CXG     Rita Kommodor         109
06.  KAL     Kitt Nagal            103
07.  DEU     Arantxa Kurtz         101
08.  KYS     Miroslav Edze         101
09.  SCK     Mark Spingl            97
10.  SCK     Ursula Affenartig      96
11.  LOM     Kita Samaranch         65
12.  IWK     Denise Rhett           57
13.  IWK     Alan Comar             41
14.  KAN     Adis Aduda             41
15.  PCL     Adolfo Turcoloco       39
16.  AET     Meriadoc Amros         32
17.  STS     Bemis Annunziata       31
18.  PCL     Saul al'Safad          30
19.  PCL     Marina Marilla         28
20.  STS     Amadeo Julia           28
21.  AET     Hador Finduilas        25
22.  SAN     Lily Margolis          23
23.  AET     Arlan Castamir         23
24.  STS     Renato Bernard         18
25.  LEN     Piro Sedoto            17
26.  KAN     Martina Holstov        13

It was a Burovian-dominated podium today. With 171 points, Durmilla Lambridze from Kasvria & Savarai got the gold, followed closely by Westria's Paul Simonig with 169 points. Boris Mistelbäck, from Baben Bay, got the bronze.

Swimming - 5km Freestyle (male)[]

As with all long-distance swimming events, this one was disputed on the waters of the Batava Stream, which runs through Belo Quinto. All swimmers disputed the event on a single heat.

Results were as follows:

Pos. Nation  Name                  Mark (minutes)
01.  LEN     Miguel Condoro        56:26.9 ***** GOLD
02.  CXG     Ryan Chia             56:27.2 ***** SILVER
03.  WES     Jochen Petersill      56:41.9 ***** BRONZE
04.  STS     Duke Estrada          56:44.3
05.  CXG     Rocko Tanaka          56:44.9
06.  DEU     Joe Perez             56:47.0
07.  CXG     Inno Tsui             56:47.1
08.  ROV     Mark Saradzhyan       56:47.2
09.  UTA     Jeremy Karven         56:47.3
10.  PCL     Nazário Pultura       56:47.9
11.  CXG     Zack Fujita           56:47.9
12.  DEU     Max Sala              56:48.5
13.  SCK     Louis Reckell         56:52.4
14.  WES     Vilhem Goedenjaar     56:55.3
15.  STS     Magnus Qassem         57:07.1
16.  STS     Camilo Battista       57:07.2
17.  ROV     Guridan Ostaf'i       57:07.8
18.  SAN     Lasse Birken          57:09.6
19.  SCK     Alban Toll            57:11.1
20.  LOM     Nick Estes            57:21.1
21.  OOO     Bernd Kammerlander    57:31.7
22.  BOB     Vladimir Buller       57:37.1
23.  KYS     Misha Koslosk         57:48.8
24.  UTA     Francis Turesbekova   57:57.4
25.  KYS     Alexi Vilan           57:58.1
26.  IWK     Holger Sinnelpratt    58:04.9
27.  KAL     Wally Uzal            58:17.7
28.  KAN     Loma Luamin           58:17.8
29.  KON     Lester G'Ronk         58:20.8
30.  UTA     Daniel Franklin       59:36.8
31.  AET     Arawn Prydain         59:40.1
32.  TRI     Ţenadar               60:01.6

Miguel Condoro got, at last, Lendosa's first gold in the games, with a 56:26:0 mark. Ryan Chia got yet another medal for Chungxipang with his silver. Westria's Jochen Petersill got the bronze.

Swimming - 5km Freestyle (female)[]

As the men cleared the area, it was time for the women's event. Results were as follows:

Pos. Nation  Name                   Mark (minutes)
01.  STS Decima De Macedo           56:55.8 ***** GOLD
02.  CXG Se-Ri Wa                   56:56.3 ***** SILVER
03.  WES Caroline Bruck-an-der-Muur 56:59.3 ***** BRONZE
04.  STS Natividad Ferre            57:00.8
05.  CXG Wei-Li Sucheng             57:04.7
06.  ROV Donata Vaboska             57:17.1
07.  WES Hannelore Vintitz          57:29.4
08.  DEU Sabine Garcia              57:42.7
09.  ROV Yelena Znaleslav           57:43.0
10.  PCL Praia Grandona             57:43.2
11.  CXG Rikki Moikami              57:44.3
12.  AET Lintilla Haguenon          57:45.5
13.  AET Teleria Auryn              57:47.8
14.  SCK Charlotte Witz             57:52.8
15.  STS Speranza Moreno            57:53.5
16.  UTA Katrina A'di'boo           57:55.1
17.  LOM Monica Emser               57:55.8
18.  NKO Amidala Farua              57:58.1
19.  OOO Irina Soltan               58:09.0
20.  SAN Marla Onegger              58:09.1
21.  LEN Alandra Sanvara            58:56.3
22.  KAL Amanja Tech                59:00.8
23.  KAN Praido Rochic              59:23.7
24.  KYS Helena Natakovili          59:25.0
25.  WOO Uma Kangalura              59:25.2
26.  CXG Cassandra Looey            59:26.2
27.  KYS Natalya Shimanskaya        59:27.6
28.  DEU Hortense Rau               59:27.8
29.  DJR Irana Shikadya             59:37.5
30.  SAN Freda Neumann              59:37.8
31.  SCK Anabella Weiss             59:42.8
32.  LEN Miguela Rusala             59:44.5
33.  IWK Renate VenTexar            59:46.8
34.  UTA Emily Lewis                59:50.0
35.  PCL Natália Quisca             59:53.2
36.  RAS Liselotte Riesling         60:01.2
37.  KON Mina K'Rakrek              60:02.7

One more medal for St. Samuel, as Decima de Macedo grabbed the gold. Chungxipang's Se-Ri Wa got the silver, while Caroline Bruck-an-der-Muur finished with the bronze medal for Westria.

Wrestling - Superheavyweight[]

Today was also the first day of the men's only wrestling event. For the disputes for the medals on the superheavyweight category, nineteen fighters from sixteen nations arrived on Arena Baicanote, downtown Belo Quinto.

As an uneven number of fighters entered the tournment, the bottom six according to international rankings were first placed on a qualifying round before procceding to the regular playoffs.

DJR Ahab Moussaq 
KON Serian G'Nenggal        Q

SAN Ivan Bollx              Q
KYS Vassili Egerian 

STS Marcellus Benito        Q
WES Rolf Kollermann
STS Ace Gomez               Q
KYS Yermolay Tolanadze 

OOO Ludovic Poltergeyst     Q
BOB Pauli Offenbach 

ROV William van Aartsen     Q
LEN Quio Dias

UTA William Scott Goldberg
AET Vorian Atreides         Q

SCK Rudolf Michaels         Q
CXG Charles "Sumo" Ching  

UTA Kevin 'Diesel' Nash     Q
KON Serian G'Nenggal 

SCW Jed Glaecatt, 
SAN Ivan Bollx              Q

POL Prius Deel 
STS Marcellus Benito        Q
STS Ace Gomez               Q  
OOO Ludovic Poltergeyst 

ROV William van Aartsen 
AET Vorian Atreides         Q

SCK Rudolf Michaels 
UTA Kevin 'Diesel' Nash     Q

SAN Ivan Bollx 
STS Marcellus Benito        Q
STS Ace Gomez               Q
AET Vorian Atreides 

UTA Kevin 'Diesel' Nash     Q
STS Marcellus Benito 
AET Vorian Atreides         ***** BRONZE
STS Marcellus Benito
STS Ace Gomez               ***** SILVER
UTA Kevin 'Diesel' Nash     ***** GOLD

Everyone was seemingly betting on St. Samuel's Ace Gomez for the gold, but he ended up being beaten by Utania's Kevin 'Diesel' Nash. Vorian Atreides from Aethelnia got the bronze.

Basketball (female, 4th Day)[]

(Main article: Basketball at the 309 Summer Vexgames)
Eight more matches were disputed today for the women's basketball tournment. Results were as follows:

Group A: NKO 93 vs. 80 OOO
Group A: BOB 58 vs. 75 CXG
Group B: STS 105 vs. 68 SAN
Group B: KYS 54 vs. 47 DEU
Group C: KAN 97 vs. 66 WGL
Group C: PCL 77 vs. 78 IWK
Group D: WES 93 vs. 61 DJR
Group D: UTA 88 vs. 66 LEN

Field Hockey (female, 1st Day)[]

(Main article: Field hockey at the 309 Summer Vexgames)
Today we had the first round of the women's field hockey tournment, disputed on the secondary field of the Albalonga Complex and also at the Universidade Guetasana grounds. This is likely to be a very balanced dispute for medals between, mainly, Udan-Woo, Westria, St. Samuel, Aethelnia, Deucoland and Kalesthesia.

For the first round, teams were arranged in six three-team groups, with the top on each group - plus the two best second-places overall - being qualified to the quarterfinal phase.

Results for the first day were as follows:

Group A: WOO 5 vs. 1 SAN
Group B: WES 2 vs. 3 SCK
Group C: STS 2 vs. 4 IWK
Group D: AET 3 vs. 2 CXG
Group E: DEU 5 vs. 1 SCW
Group F: KAL 0 vs. 1 RAS

Some of the predictions, however, begin to fail, as some of the favourites lose to somewhat inferior opponents. While Udan-Woo beat Sanx 5-1, Aethelnia won against Chungxipang 3-2 and Deucoland score 5 against Shaelia's 1, three other favourites suffered. Westria lost by 2-3 against Solanchatka after a balanced game, St. Samuel lost 2-4 against tiny Kukuria and another dwarf nation, Ras Lanarch, won by a single goal against giants Kalesthesia.

Since each nation only plays two matches on the group stage, these teams now have only one more chance to overcome their bad results and hope for a qualification to the playoff stage.

Football (male, Quarterfinals)[]

(Main article: Football at the 309 Summer Vexgames)
The much exciting football tournment for men is beginning to approach its final rounds, as the four quarterfinal matches were played today on the main Albalonga Stadium.

KAN 0 vs. 1 BOB
STS 3 vs. 1 SCK
PCL 1 vs. 1 LEN (ET: 0-0, GG: 0-0, PK: 0-2)
WES 1 vs. 4 LOM

In front of a huge growd of fifty-five thousand, hosts Porto Capital lost to Lendosa on a very balanced match. After a 1-1 draw at the end of the second half, the game first went to a two-half extra time, which ended on a 0-0. After another fifteen-minutes golden goal period, which also ended with no goals, the match went to a penalty shootout, which the Lendosans managed to win 0-2.

Another suprising result of the day was Lombriga's 4-1 win against favourites Westria. Despite having possession of the ball for much more time, the Westrians simply couldn't strike with precision. The Lombrigan team used their opportunities very well and managed to advance to the semifinals.

In other matches of the day, Kansinia lost to Baben Bay by 0-1 and St. Samuel won against Solanchatka 3-1.

Volleyball (female, 2nd Day)[]

(Main article: Volleyball at the 309 Summer Vexgames)
Nine more matches for the women's volleyball event took place today. Results were the following:

Group A: CXG 3 vs. 1 AET (25-18, 16-25, 25-11, 25-22)
Group A: WOO 3 vs. 2 DEU (19-25, 19-25, 25-14, 25-21, 15-9)
Group A: LEN 2 vs. 3 TRI (17-25, 25-15, 19-25, 25-19, 9-15)
Group B: LYS 0 vs. 3 STS (12-25, 21-25, 25-27)
Group B: IWK 3 vs. 1 UTA (21-25, 25-21, 25-14, 26-24)
Group B: KAL 1 vs. 3 BOB (21-25, 15-25, 25-23, 22-25)
Group C: PCL 0 vs. 3 KYS (21-25, 16-25, 17-25)
Group C: SCK 3 vs. 0 MIM (25-23, 25-17, 25-17)
Group C: OOO 0 vs. 3 KAN (10-25, 18-25, 11-25)

Water Polo (male, Quarterfinals)[]

(Main article: Water polo at the 309 Summer Vexgames)
The second day of the men's waterpolo tournment took place today in one of the gymnasiums of the Albalonga Complex. Results were the following:

BOB 01 vs. 13 DEU
KYS 16 vs. 03 IWK
CXG 08 vs. 14 SCW
LOM 04 vs. 05 ROV

On the first match of the day, what was supposed to be an extremely balanced game turned into a walk on the park, as Deucoland beat Baben Bay by 13-1. On the other matches, Kasvria & Savarai won 16-3 against Kukuria, Shaelia beat Chungxipang 14-8 and Lombriga was beaten by Rovens 4-5.

Medal Standings[]

     Nation                 GOLD  SILVER  BRONZE
 1.  Chungxipang       CGX  12       8	      7
 2.  St. Samuel        STS  11      13       6
 3.  Niokolo Koba      NKO   4       6       4
 4.  Shaelia           SCW   3       2       2
 5.  Solanchatka       SCK   3       2
 6.  Deucoland         DEU   3       1       2
 7.  Utania            UTA   3       1       2
 8.  Rovens            ROV   2       5       4
 9.  Kasvria & Savarai KYS   2       4
10.  Djeriga           DJR   2
11.  Westria           WES   1       4      13
12.  Kansinia          KAN   1       2
13.  Mari'im           MIM   1       1
14.  Lendosa           LEN   1       1
15.  Lombriga          LOM   1               2
16.  Porto Capital     PCL   1               2
17.  Baben Bay         BOB   1               1
18.  Lysonia           LYS           1       1
19.  Aethelnia         AET                   2
20.  Kalesthesia       KAL                   1
21.  Sanx              SAN                   1
Logo Belo Quinto 309 Summer Vexgames
Bidding Proccess: Belo QuintoBala
Days: Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12
Events: AthleticsBadmintonBaseballBasketballBoxingCamel racingFencingField hockeyFootballHandballHorse racingJudoRugbyShootingSwimmingTennisVolleyballWater poloWrestling